Hungry Howies
3-Day Social Blitz
Concept Development, Motion Graphics
& Graphic design
For a three day spread, our team developed concepts and created quick, fast-hitting creative that caught local attention on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. As a strategy tactic, current events like the 2016 election and other holiday deals were used to raise eyebrows and boost sales while geo-targeting customers within an X-mile radius of specific store locations.
Scrooge Crustmas
367% Return on Ad Spend
9,659 Total Orders
1,584,815 Impressions
603 New Customers
12 Days Of Crustmas
290% Return on Ad Sales
7,592 total orders
1,785,323 impressions
473 new customers
Election Day
290% Return on Ad Sales
7,592 total orders
1,785,323 impressions
473 new customers
Original Songs: Dave Galens
Creative Directors: Eric Bookout & Corey Brent
Art Director: Timothy Laakso
Graphic Designers: Tyler Czarnecki, Chelsea Benson
& Lauren Persichetti